Thursday 8 May 2014

A Bikers World

What is "A Bikers World"? You ask?

Well let me explain..

My name is Jordan and I am a biker.

What's a biker? 

I have always been into motorcycles before I can even remember, but just under a year ago I purchased my first 125cc. A Honda CBR 125 made in the year 2006 with Repsol colours. Its an awesome little bike, capable of just over 80mph (Down hill!!). I've enjoyed every second whilst riding this bike and I am 100% certain that I will go on to own multiple bikes in the future. Being on two wheels is an amazing feeling and if you have never tried it I highly recommend it.
Some say its dangerous and you can be killed easily, and yeah they may be right in a way, but if you don't take risks how can you ever have fun?

To me, being a biker means appreciating all the different types of motorcycles and the people that ride them. Its not about who has the best or where it was made, its about the ride. Most people are quick to judge these days and being a biker brings you away from that. Being a biker is being part of a huge family that will go out of its way to make sure you're okay. Being a biker means stopping at the side of the road to help a stranded motorcyclist regardless of the ride. Being a biker is being able to meet other bikers and talk for hours about pointless stuff and just enjoying yourself. No matter who you are, where you come from, YOU can become a biker and you will immediately be welcomed into the family. So there you go. That is what being a biker is to me and I'm sure most bikers would agree.

Why am I blogging?

I'm blogging because I have a passion for Motorcycles that I want to share with others that ride and others that don't. Sometimes I feel that bikers are given a bad image in various media texts which obviously isn't fair. I believe that by blogging about some of the positive movements that bikers take part in and the good they do, I might persuade at least one person that we really are a good group of people and the negativity only comes from a few "Motorcyclist". I also feel that am creative and I need to find something that I can do to feed my creativity and I feel that this is one of the best ways.

What will you be blogging about?

I plan to blog about motorcycles and bikers. This will include biker news, events, new and old motorcycles and things like huge race events such as the MotoGP and The Isle of Man TT. I will also express my opinions on various topics related to bikers and the things they do.

Who can we get involved?

I strongly encourage comments from people that read my blog posts so please leave any feedback you may have. Tell me what you think of the particular subject and leave your opinions on bikers, motorcycles and any current affairs.
If you would like to contact me then please do at my Gmail account:
You can give me any topics you would like me to talk about or if you'd just like to chat about bikes!

So if you are interested in what I've said above then this is the blog for you. I hope you enjoy some of the other posts to come and stay tuned for more.

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